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Monthly Archives: January 2014

I’ve been working on my next blog post for two months now–can’t seem to find the end of it–

Cottonwood in fog, January 20, 2014

Cottonwood in fog, January 20, 2014

But today, I spent a few hours south of town, in the wheat fields, looking for pictures.  I shot 4 negatives with the 8×10, using a sturdy Gitzo tripod I bought several years ago from Barry McWayne, who is no longer among the living, and a Phillips camera on extended loan from Gary Pfaff, who is suffering from Parkinson’s, no longer able to set up a view camera.

The blog post I can’t seem to finish is about the death of my father, at 83.  Today, driving thr0ugh the farmlands, I thought of him, and Gary, and Barry, and the gifts of light and time.  I’m grateful to still be working, looking for pictures, making more.

January 20, 2014

Wheat field in sun, January 20, 2014